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    Back to school always means new situations! Explore our FASN website to find ... read more

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Definition of School Nursing

School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential. Adopted by the NASN Board of Directors February 2017.

Sight for Students

Sight for Students - a VSP Program

VSP Vision Care extends its Sight for Students, an Eyes of Hope gift certificate program to members of TSNO through its affiliation with NASN. This program provides gift certificates for a free eye exam and, if prescribed, new glasses that NASN members and other community partners can distribute to students 19 or younger who qualify.  Learn more.